"1 Decembrie 1918" University, Alba Iulia, Faculty of Economic Sciences
Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica
Nr. 10 / 2008, volumul 2
Table of contents is available here
Romania In Eu Context. Competitiveness And Knowledge-based Economy Autori: Keywords: competitiveness; knowledge-based society; national and international value chains;catching-up; convergence; digital divide; brain drain; knowledge creation, absorption and diffusion. JEL Codes: E00. | Abstract Paper |
Economic Effects Of Cee Countries Integration Into The European Union Autori: Keywords: Economic integration, EU policy of economic and social cohesion, structural funds,absorption capacity, economic development, macroeconomic modeling and forecasting. JEL Codes: C53, E17, F15, F36, F43, F47, O19. | Abstract Paper |
Post-accession Priorities: Romanian National Strategy For Development 2007-2013 Autori: Keywords: post-accession, national plan for development, national strategy of development,structural funds, structural funds absorption rate JEL Codes: O19, O20 | Abstract Paper |
Macroeconomic Determinants Of Radical Innovations And Internet Banking In Europe Autori: Keywords: Radical Innovation, Internet Banking, Macroeconomy JEL Codes: O31, O32, O39 | Abstract Paper |
Some Aspects On Adjusting Theory With Practice Using An Intelligent E-learning System Autori: Keywords: expert system, e-learning, theory, practice, production rules JEL Codes: M15 | Abstract Paper |
Knowledge Sharing In Logistic Networks Autori: Keywords: Knowledge, coordination, logistic network JEL Codes: L14, L1 | Abstract Paper |
E-money Development Within Contemporary Economies Autori: Keywords: evolution, knowledge, e-money, development JEL Codes: E00, E60, O11 | Abstract Paper |
Export Quality Management In A World Global Economy Autori: Keywords: quality, management, foreign trade, efficiency JEL Codes: F19 | Abstract Paper |
Stochastic Modeling Of The Macroeconomic Aggregates - Study Case: Romanian Economic Relations Autori: Keywords: factorial analysis, balance of payments, cluster of countries, external relations JEL Codes: F19, L14 | Abstract Paper |
The International Business Environment And The Issue Of Risks For International Businesses Autori: Keywords: international business environment, certainty, uncertainty, risk JEL Codes: F4, F41. | Abstract Paper |
The Openness Of The Economy As A Dynamic Process Autori: Keywords: open economy, Grubel-Lloyd index, transitional economy JEL Codes: F14, F41, O11, O52, P23 | Abstract Paper |
Networking In Knowledge Economy (part I) Autori: Keywords: networks, knowledge economy, innovations, regional development JEL Codes: B41, C80, O30 | Abstract Paper |
Networking In Knowledge Economy (part Ii) Autori: Piotr Pachura, Czestochowa University of Technology Keywords: networks, knowledge economy, innovations, regional development JEL Codes: B41, C80, O30 | Abstract Paper |
The Relationship Between Ecotourism Clusters And Innovation Milieu In The Region Of South-eastern Europe Autori: Keywords: Innovative environment (milieu), Ecotourism, Ecotourism Clusters, Networks, Spatialdevelopment JEL Codes: L83, O30 | Abstract Paper |
Investment And Innovation In Support Of Rural Development In Romania Autori: Carmen Năstase, “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceav Carmen Chasovschi, “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava Mariana Lupan, “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava Keywords: innovation, support of development, technology platforms JEL Codes: O10, O20, O30, O31 | Abstract Paper |
Determinants Of Increasing Eu Funds Absorption Capacity In Romania Autori: George Georgescu, Senior Researcher, Institute of National Economy Keywords: economic development, EU integration, structural funds, determinants of absorptioncapacity, absorption rate, operational programs. JEL Codes: F15, F36, F43, O19. | Abstract Paper |
Responsibility, Determinant For The Efficiency Of Governance Autori: Florina Popa, Institute of National Economy, Bucharest, Romania Keywords: governance, responsibility, good governance JEL Codes: H, H1, H11 | Abstract Paper |
The Impact Of R&d Investment On Productivity Autori: Keywords: R&D stock, R&D spillover, R&D effect on TPF JEL Codes: O52, O41, P40 | Abstract Paper |
Impact Of Greenhouse Effect Gases On Climatic Changes. Measurement Indicators And Forecast Models Autori: Keywords: JEL Codes: C13, C22, Q43, Q53 JEL Codes: | Abstract Paper |
Information Society: New Challenges For Sustainable Development Autori: Keywords: Cuvinte cheie: sustainable development, e-commerce, e-government, cultural diversity JEL Codes: Coduri JEL: K32, K39, O11, O52, Q01, Q55, Q56 | Abstract Paper |
The Image Of Company, Essential Factor In Developing The Market Strategies Autori: Keywords: company, questionnaire, marketing strategies, marketing research JEL Codes: M31 | Abstract Paper |
Regional Planning Models In Order To Stimulate The Research-development And Innovative Activities Autori: Keywords: regional innovation, plan of regional development JEL Codes: R1, R10, R11 | Abstract Paper |
Sustainable Consumption And Production Autori: Florin Franţ, “Eftimie Murgu” University of Reşiţa Mirela Minică, “Eftimie Murgu” University of Reşiţa Keywords: sustainable,development, economic JEL Codes: O11, O18, O21, O41. | Abstract Paper |
Romania And The Knowledge-based Economy: Innovation The Source Of Economic Growth Autori: Holban (Oncioiu) Ionica, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi and Academy of Economies Studies from Bucharest, Oncioiu Florin Razvan, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest Keywords: innovation, economic growth, knowledge JEL Codes: O32,Q55 | Abstract Paper |
The Equity Of The Financial Allocations In The European Union Autori: Keywords: financial alocation, absorption degree, structural funds, The European Union JEL Codes: H53, E01, F42 | Abstract Paper |
Digital Tehnologies. An Overview Of Current Evolutions And Impact Autori: Claudia Ionescu, Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest Vasile Dumitraş, Romanian Court of Accounts Keywords: digital revolutions, communication equipment, broadcasting media JEL Codes: O31, E01, O33 | Abstract Paper |
Sustainable Development Of The Romanian Rural Areas Autori: Vasile Burja, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia Carmen Morariu, County Office for Rural Development and Fishing Payments Otilia Rusu, County Office for Rural Development and Fishing Payments Keywords: rural area, sustainable development, strategies, sustainable agriculture JEL Codes: R0, Q18 | Abstract Paper |
Knowledge Based Economy In Romania Autori: Mădălina Cristina Tocan, Ecologic University of Bucharest Keywords: knowledge, knowledge based economy, evaluation JEL Codes: O10, O30 | Abstract Paper |
Aspects Regarding The Interdependence Between Aggregated Demand And Offer Autori: Keywords: aggregated demand and offer, general level of prices, national production. JEL Codes: B22 | Abstract Paper |
Aspects Regarding The Financing Of Higher Education Autori: Keywords: basic financing, complementary financing, State higher education, university autonomy. JEL Codes: I22 | Abstract Paper |
Integration Phenomenon – Economic Transformation For The Member States’ Economies Autori: Keywords: European Union, globalization, integration phenomenon, economic transformations JEL Codes: O52, O41, P40 | Abstract Paper |
Particularities Of The Population, Occupation And Structure Of Unemployment In Romania And Its Western Region Autori: Keywords: Keywords : unemployment rate, employment, active population, labor market, labor force JEL Codes: J62,J64 | Abstract Paper |
Reverse Logistics In Globalization Aspects Autori: Keywords: reverse logistics management, global market. JEL Codes: M10. | Abstract Paper |
The Dynamic Ciphers – New Concept Of Long-term Content Protecting Autori: Keywords: Content protection, Cryptosystem, Dynamic cryptography, Linear Feedback ShiftRegisters, Object-oriented programming, One-time pad, Random key, random number generators,Statistical evaluation of ciphers. JEL Codes: D83. | Abstract Paper |
The Agricultural Cooperation Role Within The Relation Between Producer And Consumer Of Information Autori: Gabriel Popescu, Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest Victor Manole, Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest Keywords: co-operative sector, Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), European-type co-operative,knowledge transfer operation JEL Codes: Q13 | Abstract Paper |
The Paradigm Of The Managerial Position Autori: Moise Ioan Achim, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia Larisa Dragolea, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia Keywords: manager, performance, character, confidence, competence JEL Codes: M12 | Abstract Paper |
Regional Knowledge Management For The Sustainable Development Autori: Keywords: regional sustainable development set of sustainable development indicators, embeddedknowledge, e-democracy, e-Government JEL Codes: R13, R15, P25 | Abstract Paper |
Management In Privatized Enterprises In Poland Autori: Ewa Bitner, Jan Długosz Academy, Częstochowa Keywords: management, fixed-term management contracts, management effectiveness, enterprises ofopencast mining sector JEL Codes: L1, L2 | Abstract Paper |
Modelling In Innovation Process Autori: Keywords: SME, innovation, modelling, economic development JEL Codes: O31, O33 | Abstract Paper |
Rfid Technnology - New Challenge For Manufacturing And Logistics Centers Autori: Keywords: JEL Codes: ABSTACT: RFID technology can be exploited in newly developed logistics centers in Polandas well. The | Abstract Paper |
Cluster Initiatives In Eu Policy Autori: Keywords: cluster, innovativness, UE policy JEL Codes: E2 | Abstract Paper |
Decision Support At The Logistic Management Strategy Autori: Keywords: logistics, logistic management, decision support system JEL Codes: M15 | Abstract Paper |
Efficiency Of Application Of Rfid In Supply Chain Management Autori: Aleksandra Nowakowska, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland Keywords: RFID, supply chain JEL Codes: L1, L2 | Abstract Paper |
Managing Knowledge In Insurance Companies Autori: Melinda Plescan, „Babes Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca Marius Gavriletea, „Babes Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca Keywords: knowledge management, insurance companies, ethics JEL Codes: G22, M12 | Abstract Paper |
The Possibility Of Teaching Operational Research In The Tourism And Hospitality Section Autori: Keywords: operational research, analyses, simplex method, Solver JEL Codes: M1, D21, D83, D9 | Abstract Paper |
Organizational Competences For The Romanian Touristic Firm And Ways To Conceive Them Autori: Mălina Cordoş, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia Keywords: competences, vocation, capability, knowledge JEL Codes: D21, D83, L21 | Abstract Paper |
What Are Romania’s Chances Of Becoming A Knowledge-based Economy? Autori: Keywords: knowledge-based economy, Lisbon Strategy, Romania. JEL Codes: JEL Classifications: D8, O31, O52, R11. | Abstract Paper |
Service Quality Management Through Customer Orientation Autori: Keywords: quality management, principles, customer JEL Codes: M12 | Abstract Paper |
Towards A Life Long Learning And A Knowledge Society Autori: George M. Korres, Department of Geography, University of the Aegean of Mitilene Constantinos Tsamadias, Harokopio University of Athens Keywords: Life Long Learning, Education, Training, Knowledge, Socio-Economic Development. JEL Codes: D8 | Abstract Paper |
Consumer Identity And Implications For The Brand Autori: Keywords: identity, consumer divergence, reference groups, brand image, brand culture JEL Codes: M31 | Abstract Paper |
Nation Brands And Tourist Destinations – An Exploratory Analysis Of Romania In The Context Of Central And Eastern Europe Markets Autori: Virgil Balaure, Romanian-American University Bucharest Călin Vegheş, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest Keywords: nation brands, tourist destinations, communication JEL Codes: M31 | Abstract Paper |
Wine Chain In Romania – A Marketing Approach Autori: Keywords: vine, grapes, hybrids, wine industry JEL Codes: Q11, Q 13, Q24, L1 | Abstract Paper |
Measuring Quality Of The Services Provided By The Commercial Web Sites Autori: Keywords: Internet, electronic services quality, online shopping, electronic commerce JEL Codes: M31 | Abstract Paper |
New Methodologies And Tendencies In Qualitative Marketing Research Autori: Arcadie Hinescu, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania Ionela Gavrila-Paven, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania Keywords: qualitative marketing research, consumers, tendencies, competition JEL Codes: M31, M31, M39 | Abstract Paper |
Changes And Entails On Romanian Retail Market Autori: Keywords: Supermarket, hypermarket,cash&carry, dicount JEL Codes: M31, M39 | Abstract Paper |
Entrepreneurial University – A New Vision On The Academic Competitiveness In A World In Motion Autori: Keywords: entrepreneurial university, competitiveness JEL Codes: JEL classification: M | Abstract Paper |
Keeping And Encouraging New Business Autori: Ruxandra Radoviciu, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia Iulia Iuga, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia Keywords: business; strategy; encouraging businesses; communication methods JEL Codes: M31; R58 | Abstract Paper |
Solutions For Test Of Suprem Penetration Ability Of Competitors On International Markets Autori: Keywords: globalization, entities survival, competitive ability, strategy JEL Codes: M31 | Abstract Paper |
Study Regarding The Quality Aromatized Waters Autori: Maria Popa, 1 decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia Mirel Glevitzky, Veterinary Health County Department Alba Mihaela Vica, Veterinary Health County Department Alba Simona Varvara, Researcher 2nd rank, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia Keywords: aromatized waters, functional ingredients, preservatives, microbiology JEL Codes: JEL Codes : Q50, Q57 | Abstract Paper |
Promotional Strategy Of The Alba Iulia Fortress Autori: Keywords: promotional strategy, cultural tourism JEL Codes: M 31 | Abstract Paper |
Management Of Consumers’ Attention – What Can The Advertiser Do To Survive The Media Revolution Autori: Keywords: the media, neuromarketing, advertisement JEL Codes: M3, M37, M39 | Abstract Paper |
From The Primacy Of Production To That Of The Market - A Tendency In The Theory And Practice Of The Development Of Marketing At The Level Of Organization Adriana Ionescu, Junior Teaching Assistant Autori: Keywords: primacy of production, primacy of selling, primacy of market JEL Codes: M31 | Abstract Paper |
Planning A Strategy For Keeping The Customers Autori: Keywords: strategy, customers, cause - effect chain JEL Codes: M31, O21 | Abstract Paper |
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